Summer Camp Special Events in Millstone, NJ

A Fun Filled Calendar Like No Other

Special Events at Frogbridge start as soon as our campers arrive each morning and end just before departing the camp each day. Frogbridge special events offer non-stop fun. Each calendar day of the summer is highlighted by a different special event for children of all ages. Our special events are some of the most highly anticipated days of the summer. A sample of our exciting events can be found below.

Camp Special Events

  • Wacky Water Day
  • Petting Zoos
  • Magic Shows
  • Team Building Shows
  • Lip Sync Battle
  • Camper Talent Shows
  • Camp Carnival
  • Parent BBQ Nights
  • Color War
  • JR’s Birthday Bash
  • Frogtober in August
  • Gold Rush Games
  • Wild ‘N Wacky Challenge
  • Camper Glow Party
  • Pajama Day
  • Jello Tug-O-War
  • The Newlymet Game
  • TheaterWorks Summer Spectacular Show


Color War Results

For many of us, Color War represents the pinnacle of the summer camp season. It is the single most anticipated event of the camp season.

Color War kicks off with a huge surprise celebration that we call the “break”. It can happen any day of the summer, at any time. You will know the time has come when something out of the ordinary happens.

Once it does break, the Official Team Names, as well as the names of our team leaders are immediately announced.

At this point, we are placed on our teams, Green or Gold, and given our official team bandanas, which we proudly wear throughout the following 3 days as we battle for supremacy in the Battle at the Bridge!

The “Battle” takes place in just about every one of our 86 acres, at just about every one of our 50+ activities. As we play in games and contests all week, we stress two very important factors: fair play and teamwork, and we downplay excessive competition. At Frogbridge, we consider Color War a time to bring our campers together, teaching them how to work together as a team to achieve a common goal.

The last day of the battle begins with our famous 86 acre relay. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the real deal. EVERY camper has a part in the race which starts in the front of our campus and works it’s way into and out of every one of our activities along every one of our 86 acres, and ends at the assembly area, as our Generals conclude the race by cracking the combination to a lock which sets free their team’s colors into the sky! Later in the day, the battle ends in Harrison Square Garden with a sing down among teams, and a songbook and plaque presentation by our team leaders. The judges cast the scores, the scores are then tallied, and within minutes J.R. makes the announcement we have all been waiting for: “The winners of the Battle at the Bridge are…….” The confetti flies into the air, the teams congratulate each other on a job well done, and the victors’ flag flies high at assembly.

Color War Results

Frogbridge Assemblies

Where the Fun Never Ends

Morning assemblies will feature camper contests and games, where camp groups will win prizes throughout the summer, as well as our daily flag raising ceremony where a different camp group gets to raise our flag each day. Best of all, our Friday morning assembly is highlighted by the largest camper conga line in the world as we parade around our assembly area to Sweet Caroline!

At Frogbridge Day Camp, our afternoon assemblies feature a celebration of a very special kind. Each afternoon, we like to acknowledge those campers celebrating a birthday that day. Each birthday camper will be given a birthday crown at the morning assembly to proudly wear all day, but in the afternoon assembly, these campers will have their picture taken at our Birthday Zone, while receiving a huge “Happy Birthday” from the entire camp! If you are interested in sending your child to our summer day camp at Millstone, NJ contact us here or give us a call at 609-795-7209 today!