Campers celebrating birthdays during the official camp season are given special attention at camp on that day by being recognized at the Birthday Zone during our assembly!
Birthday crowns are given to all campers on their birthday and their picture will appear on the website that night. If you would like to make their day extra special you can choose to add our birthday package, which includes birthday cake and crowns for their entire group at an additional charge. All other campers who do not celebrate their birthdays during the camp season will enjoy birthday cake on a special day designated just for them, which we call “JR’s Birthday Bash.”

Please fill out the Birthday Package form, fill out and send to Melissa in the main office. Don’t forget to call Melissa at 609-795-7209 to confirm she received your order. Packages include a personalized birthday cake, candles, party hats and beverages for every camper in the birthday child’s group. Our birthday package is priced at $40. Please note: 48 hour advanced notice is absolutely necessary.